Procurement management solution

Out-of-the-box DocLogix solution for procurement management is dedicated to accelerating and automating the procurement and supply process, as well as cutting operational costs. It also makes the whole process more transparent and easier to track. Our solution is widely used by modern organisations to centralise and manage procurement activities such as issuing and approving purchase requests, gathering and evaluating proposals, issuing purchase orders, approving invoices, storing information about suppliers and deals, and analysing procurement information.

Benefits of the solution in numbers

  • A procurement process (from purchase request to approval of the invoice) that is about 50% faster
  • 46% better results in managing spending and making savings
  • 100% control of spending
  • A reduction of up to 50% in overdue tasks
  • 70% time-saving in report generation
  • 100% process compliance with internal and external regulations

Who can benefit from the solution?

The solution has benefits for people in all positions in an organisation. They can use it to perform the following actions:

Every employee

  • Create a purchase request and send it for approval to a manager
  • Gain up-to-date information about the status of an order
  • Confirm the receipt of goods or services
  • Give feedback about suppliers
  • Access all documents relating to an internal purchase request (such as RFQs, incoming proposals, orders, receipts and invoices)

Department manager

  • Give approvals for purchase requests
  • Analyse and control the spending of subordinates

Procurement manager

  • Use templates to prepare RFQs and orders
  • Carry out evaluations of incoming proposals
  • Approve vendor proposals
  • Search for related proposals and store new ones
  • Follow the execution of purchases
  • Approve received invoices and assign costs to the relevant departments
  • Store and share contracts
  • Analyse and control spending, and identify opportunities for savings

Financial officer / CEO

  • Easily access and approve / reject purchase requests
  • Monitor upcoming payment dates of invoices
  • Have a complete picture of spending (plans and facts)Get Free Trial
Procurement management

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Advantages of the DocLogix solution


INCREASED SAVINGS through centralisation and standardisation - DocLogix procurement management solutionINCREASED SAVINGS through centralisation and standardisation. Our solution ensures tighter control, standardised processes and the power to negotiate with vendors, keeping unapproved spending to a minimum. Control is enabled through the approval process, whereby the person responsible assesses requests on the basis of the intended budget. Organisations that use a single, integrated procurement solution have been found to achieve results for managing spending and making savings that are 46% better than those that do not.

IMPROVED PERFORMANCE via automation - DocLogix procurement management solutionIMPROVED PERFORMANCE via automation. The automation of processes simplifies the procurement life cycle, with workflow functions and automatic notifications speeding up operations by reducing time lags between tasks. An automated approval process eliminates a large amount of manual work.

Achieve a better performance with:

  • Single document creation using templates and automatic content synchronisation;
  • Rapid document search by keywords;
  • Invoice uploads using any means (scanner, fax, e-mail, etc.);
  • Inbuilt PDF conversion;
  • User-friendly previews for attachments and metadata.

It is estimated that companies that use automated procurement processes perform faster and deliver goods and services 40% more quickly than old-fashioned ones.

SMART DECISIONS based on accumulated information - DocLogix procurement management solution

SMART DECISIONS based on accumulated information. Whether using the DocLogix solution alone or integrating it with your accounting system, it is a great tool for viewing organisation-wide spending. It will show you bottlenecks or unreasonable purchasing in your procurement chain and will help you identify cost-saving opportunities.

Every user can quickly access relevant information through the use of dashboards and charts. Transforming raw data into business information is easy. For example, our visualisation tool allows accountants to predict demand for cash on a certain date. The system allows the buyer to upload all incoming purchase proposals and easily compare them using various criteria.

The software stores all information about existing vendors, including feedback from your staff about the quality of their goods or services. This allows better decision-making for future procurement.

More accurate and BETTER QUALITY PROCESSES - DocLogix procurement management solutionMore accurate and BETTER QUALITY PROCESSES. The workflow functions of the DocLogix system ensure that everyone involved knows what duties to perform and when. Automatic notifications provide reminders about upcoming deadlines and help to prevent tasks from overrunning. The whole process can be tracked – a critical feature for companies that operate in line with the requirements of quality management systems.

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